Thursday, November 1, 2007

So, Halloween wasn't so good

Yeah, I seem to have caught some sort of cold bug, so I wasn't going anywhere yesterday after I got home from work. =P So, I wasn't about to go and sing last night. My "signature" song is Jewel "Foolish Games" and I wasn't about to try and croak it out. LOL Nor was I about to attempt any of my Bon Jovi songs, either. 'S not happenin'. So, I got in my pajamas, grabbed the book I'm reading, Dark Thirst by Sara Reinke, grabbed a beer, my smokes, and the candy and sat on the porch to hand candy out to trick-or-treaters. The weather was gorgeous! Between 55 and 60...on the last day of October! I'm not sure what's up with our weather--must be all that global warming stuff--but I'm loving it. I think I counted 104 kids last night. Then I stopped and went to bed to watch TV. =P

And today, well, I'm just gonna try and make it through half the day at work and then go home to curl up on the couch and read submissions and watch TV. And I'm still in shock...but it's November 1 and I'm wearing flip-flops and a skirt. I don't think this has EVER happened before. It's usually pretty dang cold by now in Indiana. 'Cept for maybe southern Indiana.

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