Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to all! What's everyone up to tonight? Me? Myles and I will be heading out with our best friends and their daughter, my adorable neice, to take the Squirt trick-or-treating. :) Then, she's staying with a babysitter while Mommy and Daddy and Uncle Myles and Aunty go out to have some adult fun. :) Not sure if I'm going to get into my costume or not. This year I was Hugh Hefner's maid...Hugh being my Myles. We'll probably go to our favorite hick bar so we can drink and Ann and I can sing and dance. Three of our favorite things. Woo hoo!

And on another front, yesterday we put an offer in on another house. If we get it, this will be our 3rd rental. This one will take some work to get it ready, since it's a foreclosure, but it's worth it. Losts of painting and yardwork and cleaning to do. Eeek. But, if we get it, we'll get it done and get it rented and have more money in our pockets between rent and equity. And then Myles will look for yet another one. :P

Editing tip for the day:
Pay attention to comma usage. Read your sentences out loud, pausing where you have commas and see if it sounds right. I've been running into a lot of misplaced commas lately. These are easy fixes, people! =)

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