Saturday, November 10, 2007


So, I've been sick, so I slept in until noon today. Not what I had planned, but oh well. I woke up nauseated again, to I decided to finally go to the doc, which I never do unless I HAVE to. I have to go to the doctor enough for other stuff, so if it's not my regular every three month appt, then I don't want to do it. =P Turns out, this cold I can't kick is what is causing everything. So now I have drugs! Woo hoo!

And a big fishbowl margarita from El Rodeo will make me feel better tonight. And some steak fajitas. Yeah yeah. :) Myles is going out with one of his guy friends tonight, so I'm going out with my friends David and Misty and their kids to grab to Mexican food, which Myles detests and which happens to be one of my faves.

But for right now, I'm going to get some more editing done and when I get home from dinner, I'll get even more editing done. And I'll probably edit all day tomorrow. Rock on.

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