Friday, November 16, 2007

Ahhh, Friday

Yes, it's finally Friday. As soon as I get out of work, I'll be heading to pick up my little brother a birthday present and then heading up north to be "home" for the weekend. I like being home. =) Myles has a rough time with it, since he's not used to a loud obnoxious, constantly going family like mine. He can only handle it for one or two days and then he has to get out of there. =P He loves them all to death, but he's used to quiet family gatherings.

I think I might actually play hooky from work next Monday and Tuesday and head to Kingsbury to go hunting with my dad and cousin. I'm thinking that sounds like a darn good idea. It's deer seaon, baby! Or we'll get some pheasants. Whichever we can get. :)

And on a completely different note, something happened today to make me think that there might actually be hope for the world. I was driving to school and a funeral procession was driving by, going the opposite way as me. I still pulled over. It's just the right, respectful thing to do. (I was learned well by my parents) Normally, no one else pulls over, just blows by the procession if they are going the opposite way, or even passes the procession if it's two lanes. I can't stand that. I hate it with a passion. You are supposed to stop! But, today, everyone on the road pulled over until the procession had passed. It was amazing. I even called Myles right away and told him, since he knows this is a HUGE pet peeve for me. But yes, I finally gained some hope back for humanity.

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