Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's almost here!

Yes, Christmas is almost here. =) We'll be leaving in the morning for my mom and dad's house and staying in South Bend until Tuesday evening. And for once, I'm not bringing my laptop!!!!! I might get online at my parents' house to check email quickly, but, no I won't be working. I'll be spending time with my thirty or so immediately family (yes, we're big...Myles says we're a typical Italian family...only we're Irish...I guess he's not used to big Irish families.) Monday we're going to see Alvin and the Chipmunks and heading to dinner and such. I'm really looking forward to it.

We were supposed to go out tonight with some friends, but after working on our new rental we closed on yesterday that we need to have "flipped" by Jan 1 so we can get tenants in it, we just didn't feel up to it. I'm content to sit on the couch watching Property Ladder and getting some editing done. And eating Dairy Queen. But, we could be out with Jay and Nikki, riding around with some other friends, in the limo, drinking and making fun of Christmas lights. Gar. Now that I think about it, I wish we would have gone... Oh well.

Since this will be the last time I post before Christmas, I just want to take a moment to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and hope that Santa brings everyone everything they asked for. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends and no writing or editing!!

1 comment:

s.w. vaughn said...

Have a fantastic Christmas!

I'll try to take your advice.

Must . . . not . . . write . . .

I don't think it's gonna work. :-)