Thursday, December 13, 2007

I succumbed to an infomerical

Yup, that's right. I bought something off an infomercial today. But it exercise stuff, so it's okay. It's a program called The Firm (No, not the movie with Tom Cruise) that combines cardio and weightlifting. So, yeah. This is me trying to fit into all those size 4 clothes in my closet from five years ago. I'm not the type that likes to work out in the gym where people can see me, so some DVDs and weights for home is poifect for me. =) It won't get here in time to have me ready for Hawaii, but lets hope for Florida in July...well, gosh, hopefully some major result before then. LOL I'm making it my goal to be in my old, skinny-ass clothes by May. And if I make it before then, well I rock. So, this is my Christmas present, which is a darn good one, because I think, in the long run, it'll last a lot longer and make me a heck of a lot happier than I am right now. Ooh, I can't wait to get my big black trash bag of old clothes out and go through them and actually be able to wear them! I have a lot of expensive, damn nice clothes in there. Ah, when I didn't have to pay a mortgage and utilities and buy groceries and could spend all my money on frivolous things. I miss being able to do that.

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