Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Back to the grind

So, today I had to go back to work after a long weekend. Blech. But at least it's only three days this week, one of which has already been completed, thank God.

I've decided that since I am now able to take a lunch hour at work, I'm going to be spending it reading. And I'm also going to be going to bed a teeny bit earlier so I can read, too. I've found that lately I've been spending all my time reading books I have to read, not that I want to read just for pure pleasure. Yes, I love the books I edit...if I didn't love them I wouldn't have contracted them, but I want to read and not have to work. LOL I've got a huge pile to go through, so I'll be working my way through it and giving y'all my opinion as I finish them. Most definitely giving my opinion on them. And keep in mind, I'm behind and I don't always go to the store and pick out new reads, so they might be pretty old. =)

I bought a pile of books a LONG time ago, so I'm reading Perfect by Judith McNaught right now. Only finished the first few chapters, but so far so good. Have I mentioned how much I adore Judith McNaught? Whitney My Love is one of my all time faves. Brilliance. I'll be letting everyone know what I think of Perfect, which I only bought about a year ago. LOL

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