Tuesday, October 30, 2007

And I'll say it again...

...and again and again and again. Don't email me/us/whoever a month after you have subbed a story. Again, READ THE AUTOMATED RESPONSE! Ten to twelve weeks, people. If three months have passed and you haven't heard anything, then email. But I'll say it again, at any given time, we've got fifteen to thirty stories to read...and most of them were subbed before you. When you bug us, you irritate us and we start to doubt whether or not we'd like to work with you as an author if you're a pest. =) You're not the only one who wants their story read and published. Trust me on that one. LOL

And as an author...it is your duty to learn and utilize Track Changes. Every publishing house I've ever worked for has used them, so that's pretty standard. Learn the tool and learn it well.

Okay, enough for today...I think.


Anonymous said...

Amen! Track changes people - we say it over and over again for a reason!

Mary Alford said...

Hi there Chickie...Hope you're doing good. Hey, did I miss it or have you not told us all about YOU yet?

All the best...
