Sunday, September 30, 2007

A random day

Just like I said in the subject, today is a random day. The mother-in-law is in town and tagged along with Myles during a trip to Lowe's. What was supposed to be a quick trip to Lowe's to get a sprayer and bug spray to spray around the foundation of the house turned in to much more than that. They came back with a new grill. Ay yay yay. Yeah. That's usually how things turn out with her. Now, she has decided that we need to grill out tomorrow, so they just left to go to the store for meat, which means they'll come back with a freezer-full of stuff. Literally. But I'm not complaining. :)

While they're gone, I'm using this as an opportunity to watch Moonlight, which I set to tape on the DVR. Oh my God this is a good show! I'm sooooo gonna watch it again. I HIGHLY recommend it. :) Oh yeah. I can't gush about it enough. :)

And when the Myles gets home, he'll be happy--I made him a home-baked punkin pie (Yes, punkin is spelled that way on purpose...My nickname is "Punkin" and I have no clue how it even got started). And I made some punkin cake. Yeah, I'm in a punkin and baking mood. So he'll benefit from it. :) I'm thinking some peach cobbler sounds good, too. And here in a bit we're heading to Mountain Jacks for dinner, so that means I'll get filet mignon tonight. Oh yum. Sounds good to me. :)

There's not much else going on today. I'm working a bit on one of my own stories, reading some submissions, and maybe I'll get to some editing later, but I'm going to spend the majority of the day working on it tomorrow.

So, that's all for now, folks. Other than the fact that the pinched nerve in my shoulder is bugging me again. Blech.

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