Thursday, September 20, 2007

No, you haven't already ATE.

This is one of those annoying little things that just gets to me. Please, people, learn what a past participle is and how to conjugate your verbs. :) You have already EATEN, dammit. Eats, eats, ate, eating, and EATEN. The past participle of eat is NOT ate. :P And you have not drank a lot; you have drunk a lot. Gar. Is it just people in Indiana, or is this some sort of widespread virus?

Oh, and seen, yet another one that is misused. Except, in this case, it's the opposite of above. :OP You did not seen them at the mall yesterday; you SAW them. You have seen them in the past. Gar. I have actually received manuscripts where the author described something as "She seen the sun on the horizon." Yeah, that's pretty much an automatic rejection. Just a side note. :) For those of you who care.

Okay, I'm done with past participles today, though I'm sure that's NOT the last you'll see of my rants regarding them. I think the whole "seen" thing is one of my biggest pet peeves ever.

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