Monday, December 10, 2007

Finally back to "normal"

For the frist day in about a week, I feel better. No fever, no aches, and I even have some energy back. Thank God. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get better. Suddenly, the whole flu shot thing doesn't seem like a bad idea anymore. Yeah, I always shirk it because I hate needles...well, I shouldn't say needles. Shots, to be more precise. And when they take my blood. Needless to say, I could never be an intravaneous drug user. LOL Even watching other people do it on shows like Intervention creeps me out.

And my tidbit of information today...Supposebly is NOT a word. Please, people. For the love of Pete. It's supposedly.

Thank and have a nice day. =)

1 comment:

s.w. vaughn said...

Okay, I needed that laugh like you wouldn't believe. Supposebly...

I'm gonna laugh about that aaaall day now. *G*

Glad you're feeling better!